Tuesday, November 18, 2008

[Society & Politics] Why do people think...

Why is it that people think that just because we have a new President that he's going to remove our responsibility as a member of society?

My Response:
I absolutely do not know.

There has never been a President in history (regardless of color) that has fixed all problems of the nation nor alleviated our need to work, pay bills, buy gas and be a productive part of society. In fact, EVERY President who has set out to improve our country has attempted the opposite (Note I said attempted. Not all of them acheived their goals.). An increase of the workforce, economy (which includes bills & gas) and productive members of society are what is needed to keep a country's economy out of the garbage.

I want to preface the rest of this blog by noting that I am registered Republican; however, I registered when I was young (and when the Republican party actually meant something... I was actually inspired by Reagan as a youth and saw someone who actually inspired change and safety) and just never changed it. I'm VERY much Indie. I'd rather have someone in our offices that care about our people than someone who is a snake and tells you one thing while wrapping their coils around you to squeeze you for every penny they can shake out of your pockets. Luckily here in WA you aren't forced to vote party lines. If that were the case I'd have had to change my affiliation many times.

No, back to the question... Barrack Obama is not going to bring "change" for all. John McCain wasn't going to bring "change" for all either. Neither one, so why did we pick one over the other? Because as a society we'd rather vote against someone we don't like than to vote for someone who shares our same values. The voting process was put in place for YOU to place YOUR VOTE for YOUR BEST INTEREST. Thus, a TRUE consensus of what people want is visible.

Now, let's break this down:

Voters for BO : 66,882,230 (voters for BO)
Voters for JM : 58,343,671 (voters for JM)
Total voters : 125,225,901
US Able Voters: ~305,684,978 - 74,892,820 (under 18) = 230,792,158

That means that JUST MORE than half the able voters in the country voted. If the rest of the able voters voted for someone who actually gave a shit about them and their well being then maybe real change could have been made.

I am very happy to see that black Americans are feeling more a part of the whole now that Barrack has been elected; however, "History has been made, a black man has been elected President of the United States" carries NO MORE IMPORTANCE than "History has been made, the first Lutheran/Jewish/Mormon man/woman has been elected President of the United States." Percentages are percentages. You don't see white leaders in Africa outside of South Africa, and that country was taken by force (if you don't consider the EITC taking over whatever land they want not brute force, I don't know what is).

As I said, I'm happy to see that we are coming together more and more as a country; however, I think that the election of a man based on skin color (lots of people out there have stated clearly that they voted for him because he was a black man. If you TRULY agree with his policy, great, but many of you don't even KNOW his policy) is an ignorant failure of the voting process in the first place.

Again, "Obama President NOW!" is not going to pay your bills. Grow up and realize this. You aren't going to get a big chunk of money (unless something amazing happens and he goes against his history AND his political party). Let's hope that Barrack will come through his Presidency with a median of the "he's the savior" and "he's the devil" bullshit.

I'd say God Bless America, but then we'd have to ask "Which God?"

Take care and keep an open point of view.

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