Thursday, November 6, 2008

[Personal] An Introduction of sorts...

I suppose this post is an introduction of sorts.

Although it doesn't matter who I am, where I'm from or what I do I feel it only fair to expose a little bit of the meat that represents myself before I start to rant, rave or renounce on any particular topic. I also feel it important to express from the beginning that these are my opinions, my topics of discussion and my own perspectives on the world, the happenings in and around it from my own point of view (as described in the title).

I don't expect to get a following. I don't expect to have "regulars" or "trolls who come by to read what I've said just to complain." What I do expect is that somewhere someone will find what I have to say and might just actually agree with it. I've kept my own views to myself for a very long time, and with the enlightenment of people like Bill Hicks, George Carlin and Richard Pryor hope to spread a little bit around to try and find the gold that we're all looking for in our own piles of gritty life.

I mentioned above that I would address the three least important questions in the world: Who am I? Where am I? What do I do (and maybe why)?

Who am I?
I am a person. A person who absolutely loves his family and friends. The only true people who have stuck beside me during my own trials and tribulations that life has brought before me. I'm a person who believes that there is a difference between being spiritually enlightened and faith, morality and religion, what's ok and not ok and accept people for the sides they decide to stand on. I am a person who hates judgement of people for their thoughts... Can you imagine what this world would be like if we as a whole didn't hate eachother simply because of what we thought? Everyone who believes that they are above others simply because they feel they have a higher understanding of a certain topic should be ashamed of themselves. Intead of embracing the other person in an intellectual conversation and sharing that knowledge they prefer to harbor it and use it as a weapon against their fellow man. I am a person who loves debate and conversation on topics that most people try to avoid. Please note, debate doesn't mean fight. Debate to me means an intellectual conversation discussing multiple sides of a topic... and you must always be passionate. Passion behind your argument is important to show the conviction of what you believe. Of course, those are my beliefs.

Where am I?
I'm American. I live in America. I don't believe that it's necessarily important where in America I live, although hiding behind such barriers would negate my intent of sharing who I really am and what I really think about the goings-on around me and my own bubble of life. I live in the great State of Washington. Beautiful and green. Brought here when I was a child and chose to stay as an adult.

What do I do?
I work in the IT field. I guess that's a given seeing as I live in WA, right? Or is it unusual to have people so dedicated to technology in the heart of an agricultural State?

What I really do, or rather what I try to do, is push people's thoughts past the bubbles they have created for themselves. Sometimes passively, most of the time aggressively, but always honestly and without judgement for what the person decides to believe.

Ok, so enough of the boring stuff and onto the specifics!
Whenever I post a blog, I will attempt to keep the type of blog it is in [brackets]. This will help people quickly sort through topics they would be interested in. If someone doesn't want to hear my rants on religion but loves to hear about politics or views on other topics, they can quickly sift through any archives of entries and assertain whether or not they want to read something based on topic.

I will try my hardest to keep my posts to one topic. As anyone who knows me personally knows all too well, I find that my thought process can make a lot of loops... Going out on tangents and looping back to the conversation at hand with pertinance (I try not to take myself off on tangents that do not pertain to the topic at hand... there is usually a reason for the segway!).

I will also be very straight forward as far as my frequency of post is concerned. At this point, it will be whenever I remember to post or if a topic comes into my head that I feel I need to "get out." As it becomes a more regular part of my habitual rituals, perhaps I will set days with which I will post.

I am also in the works of convincing my friends to participate in debates with me on specific topics... This not only will give me something to write about but will allow others to get an idea of where all of my ideas might come from. I promise that if I happen to include a link to audio that it will be short clips. Nothing I hate more than finding a piece of audio and having to sort through 30 minutes of it to find the topic at hand.

So, that's enough of the babbling and explaining for now. Feel free to stick around, speak your mind and have fun. Please remember to be polite. Just because it is the internet doesn't mean that we need to compete for "Internet Asshole of the Day." Hmmm... Perhaps that'd be a nice little addition to the end of my posts. Funny how ideas come at the most odd time, eh? So remember, if you post direct attacks towards another they will be removed. Be polite. Your mother wouldn't be proud of you for being an asshole.

Take care.

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