Tuesday, November 11, 2008

[Politics] Where's the beef?

Howdy there... Rant time.

So yeah, we have all come to terms with our new President-elect, no? Well, guess what? The people who didn't want him for President then still don't. Big surprise.

Another big surprise is that they are finding all sorts of crap that he was doing that was shady both during his run as senator as well as during the campaign. If you understand what I'm saying, great... If not, read some damned documentation on the people you vote for before voting for them (*clears thoat* Hillary?).

Both of the candidates we were given were sub-par, snakes in the grass. We shouldn't need to settle for "the lesser of two evils." We shouldn't need to vote FOR someone just because we want to vote AGAINST someone.

Society in general has been programmed to trust the bullshit that politicians feed them and to do it all too well. Still love your President-elect? Then you're in love with a liar and someone you can't trust with any piece of information, secret or not. Finding out that there were leaks with regards to ANY President-to-President-Elect conversations that go on in private is discusting... Would you trust a friend who did this? Then why trust him to run your country?

I understand that there are people out there that will likely find this and flame me for the sake of "standing up for the right thing." Bullshit. I don't dislike Barrack because he's black. I dislike him because he's a liar and a silver-tongued snake.

Stop being rubes and take control of your damned country. Neither of these two parties (R/D) want anything to do with helping the lower class. It's all trickery to get people to give them money.

That's it for today.

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