Wednesday, November 12, 2008

[Life] Desire & Passion

Ok, so round 3 is here... I got a political in the last one, so I want to talk about something more close to home and interesting to me.

Today the topic is desire and passion. There isn't a difference to me personally. To me, we live to be constantly in desire of something. Now, before you zealots out there start talking about gluttony, greed, lust and coveting hear me out. As a species, the only way we have come as far as we have is through desire for something more and passion in our persuit of the end result. Desire of comfort. Desire of flesh. Desire of power. Desire of life. Passion, be it towards work, love, sex, life or belief, should be relished...

Too long through the last 20 years have I seen the passion that drove us to populate the Earth, to learn to fly, to go to the moon as well as to have open and free love dwindle away. More and more we worry about global warming, garbage and CFCs when we need to realize that this planet has been here billions of years before we existed and will be here billions of years after we're gone (although perhaps it won't be HERE... But that's to be determined, right? :) ).

If we injure this planet, it will injure us back. Stop worrying about it and just prepare to better how we plan for the future (fluid energy sources instead of dependance on one, etc.). Stop worrying about things that are so much bigger than us that we ultimately have no control over the end result and start worrying about what we can do to reignite the passion and desire that we've valued for so long only to shove it into the closet (figuratively, of course) and pretend it didn't exist.

One of the greatest passions and desires that we've hidden is of the flesh. For a long time society has pushed back physical desire and tainted the image of it in an attempt to keep people in line (through religion). Being told that it was evil and unhealthy, people were ashamed to be open about sex and to admit to having it... like they were being accused of shitting in a toilet in the middle of a baseball field during the World Series. This in my mind damaged much of the passion and desire that we held for other fields of topic. After all, in the end our bodies are made to have sex as well as propagate.

So, as my next piece of work for our species I am encouraging others to embrace their passion and desire. Share their love once again and not be ashamed of it. Sharing it is beautiful and about as close to becoming a spiritual being as is possible from the physical plain (and it's fun!). Sharing your desire and passion doesn't have to be physical (although that seems to be very fun). You can also share your ideas and theories on what you see around you. Don't be afraid to express who you really are because if you don't express who you really are you are lying to yourself and those around you. There are those of us out there that will love you back for being who you are.

Ok, so that seemed like a totally awkward transition of thoughts. I think next time I'm going to have to take notes and put it all together before typing it up. Who knows, perhaps I'll get more attention for being scatterbrained.


DinamoTalks said...

Woo-hoo! You rock, baby. Passion is what makes us feel alive. And this means passion for anything, not only of the flesh (though that's one of my favorites). PASSION IS WHY WE ARE HERE. To be who we truly are...not who others want us to be or who we/they think we should be. No one's passion is right or wrong. It is beyond judgment, even if it's against the law. Because we answer to a higher law--our own truth. I can't help but think my blog inspired you on this one. :)

B said...

Yes, in a sense it did; although, I do carry much of what I said with me on a day to day basis.

I was actually amazed to find that anyone had even found my blog in such a short period of time. :)

Thanks for the kind comments.