Tuesday, November 3, 2009

[Life] So here I am... stranded but not alone.

After a wonderful weekend trip to Montana to visit Julie's family, I feel stranded. Not by her but by life in general. I feel really good emotionally and then I end up with a gutbomb of a choice... Do I try to rent my house out or sell it when Spring comes along and Julie and I move in together? We both own our homes, and her mortgage is MUCH cheaper than mine... But the bottom line is that I definitely wouldn't be able to handle both MY mortgage as well as help with HERS while we're there. We decided that financially it would be the better option (because her mortgage is virtually HALF of what I pay, and I could pretty much in theory pay for everything and still have a lot of money left over at the end of the month), but I'm stuck in a hard place... I love my house... And my brother is renting from me as it is. Unfortunately he cannot afford to rent it for what I'd need (and it's much too large of a house for what he needs by himself).

I guess I'm at a standstill... Stranded between where I am and where I want to be. Life can be very difficult sometimes... I guess I'll figure it out when it comes along, plan for the sale (since that seems to be the direction it's going to end up) and hope that I can work something out with my brother that will allow him to take up the majority of the mortgage payment (I don't mind carrying some of the burden. It is my house after all, and it's an investment to me).

Oh well, my brain is tired...

Take care,


DinamoTalks said...

First of all, lucky you--you are planning on moving in with your love! You never mentioned how far apart you two live now. Is this like a major relocation or are you in nearby towns? If you love your house as much as it sounds like you do, why not find another trustworthy person to rent along with your brother? Houses are great investments (let's hope) and it sounds like you don't want to part with it. Maybe you and Julie can live there together some day. I can only speculate on your reasons why this is an issue, but you've got the smarts to figure out the perfect solution.

B said...

We are only about 5 minutes apart as it is (barring traffic of course!) right now.

I'm trying to think of who would be a good match for a roommate with my brother. We had someone in mind, but alas the person isn't nearly as dependable as we would like... I'd rather have someone in there that is interested in actually GETTING a job. lol (He "looks" but never seems to find anything. Imagine THAT!)

Well, the reason we went with the option we did (me moving in with her) is because if I could rent my house for even close to what the mortgage is I'd be able to have enough money to save up for our (hopefully soon!) family. That's ANOTHER obstacle to get over, but for now that's the easy one to take care of. :)