Sunday, August 9, 2009

And So Month 3 Begins...

Julie and I have been pregnant for two months now and I'm still as excited as the day we found out together. Along with the joy has come some difficulties, but hardly anything to write about I suppose. We're spending more time together which is a great thing, for sure, and my love for her is greater each time we are even near each other.

Tomorrow is our 9 week appointment and we'll get to see our growing baby for the second time. Of course our families are filled with joy and are actively helping us prepare for the newborn. We haven't even made it out of the first trimester and we've already accumulated (or will soon) two car seats (one for each of us... THAT will be a help), a stroller and a high chair. Julie has been researching cribs and bassinets, which has brought her a lot of happiness.

One of the hardest things at this time is the projects I have been doing outside of work which has taken quality time from our relationship. I have made the decision to not let this get in the way of our love for one another and the experience of pregnancy as a father and lover.

I'm truly blessed that I've found someone who is as excited about life in general as I am (and maybe even more so, which helps me when my mood is down). Perhaps one day she'll happen upon this blog and see that none of my thoughts have gone unnoticed and that my heart has not gone untouched by the things that I am sharing with her.

I suppose that's all I have to write at the moment. I'm sure I'll have more to post later. I've already registered a domain name for a site to chronologize the growth, birth and life of our baby. Some work on the design of the site has been done; however, I look forward to including Julie in her ideas on what she'd like to see as far as content and looks for the final result. Anyways, time for bed...

Take care,

1 comment:

DinamoTalks said...

I'm so happy for you guys, and especially for your baby for having such attentive and loving parents. It's an adventure, hang on tight!

My firstborn turns 18 this week which is absolutely freaky to me. I just dug out the letter I'd written to her 2 weeks before she was born--a letter I intended to give her on her 18th birthday.

Rereading it after all this time moved me to tears (no surprise there). I can't wait to give it to her.