Tuesday, March 29, 2011

[Love] The awaited Morgan Blog Post

And here it is... compliments of Morgan :) :

"It all started on a tiny forum. Topics great and small were discussed. After getting acquainted with the regular members, I decided to add them as friends on facebook. One man in particular interested me, the guy a few years older than me whose profile picture was him wearing his headphones. At first I had chatted periodically with Brandon as I chat with other acquaintances, but very quickly I learned that he "was the male version of me." I admired him and enjoyed chatting with him about anything and everything, from the trivial to the transcendent. Chatting on Facebook turned to texting and turned to talking. The stuff he was saying matched what I do, what I say, and what I think exactly, and vice-versa. . . to the point of being mind-blowing. There were also strange coincidences: we would wake up within minutes of each other, say the same thing at the same time, or bring up a subject the other had on their mind. One day we were even eating the same thing while talking on the phone. . . It was all very strange. We talked on the phone every day for three hours or more. I slowly began to realize I wouldn’t be able to go through with my life never meeting Brandon face-to-face. So we arranged for me to visit during my spring break. . ."

Thursday, March 17, 2011

[Life] The Beginning

Tonight, St. Patrick's Day of 2011 is the night before my life is to change drastically... Tomorrow, my dear love Morgan arrives and I have to say I don't think I've been as excited as this in a very long time, if ever. The inner peace I found on my path of self-induced celebacy has come in the form of my match. A woman who is so in tune with my own being that I needn't worry about what is said or not said, because all is known without a single spoken syllable.

I asked her to write me a paragraph about a month ago (shortly after my last post). She agreed to write it. I have yet to see it... Of course, that's because she's just as bad of a procrastinator as I am. :) Hell, I had to basically force myself to come write THIS. lol

Anyways, I'm off to finish preparations for her arrival and the subsequent drive tomorrow to pick her up. Perhaps as the week goes on we will drop in from time to time.

Take care,