Thursday, February 24, 2011

[Life, Love] Questions Answered

I was asked the following question, and instead of replying in a comment I figured I'd answer right here... Since I'm bound to be very wordy and will take up plenty of space. :)

The question(s):
"with a love like this, do you feel like i do, that you just want to jump in with both feet? somehow you just know it will work, that it's meant to be? what IS that feeling?! do you believe in soulmates?"

The answer(s):
Honestly, I have never felt so... RIGHT... So IN THE RIGHT PLACE... as I do right now. Someone who actually understands me and my quirks... who actually GETS that I'm not perfect and accepts that and doesn't expect me to be any other way. Someone who is as fiercely loyal and loving as I am has fallen into my lap almost magically (though we don't believe in magic).

We have had many discussions on topics that other people in similar timelines wouldn't be capable of and both have agreed that this is it... That this is the "will work no matter what" option that we've both been looking for, and that while there may be rough times that as long as we can communicate with each other that we'll get through anything we have in our way.

Do I believe in "soulmates"? Well, I don't think either of us do. Or rather, I don't think either of us DID before this. We don't use that word because we don't believe in superstition or the like; however, the only explanation I can give (to kind of put it into words) is related to the quantum theory of entanglement... And it's like all of our quantum elements are entangled with one-another. It's really quite amazing... We actually played a nice little game yesterday of "guess what"... She guessed what I ate for lunch in two guesses. The first guess was a place we'd talked about before, the second guess was a place we'd never spoken of... I had her elaborate on what I had on my sandwich. She missed only one item. ;) (She added jalepenos, but I forego jalepenos on my sandwiches for peppercinis and chipolte sauce :) ).

She then thought it would be fun to turn it around... And as soon as I started focusing, I started literally tasting cocoa powder... Like the kind you get in the little pouches. I ignored that, because obviously she couldn't be eating that stuff. I narrow it down to an option of a chocolate candybar and hot chocolate. I guess the hot chocolate. She says "Close." And I follow up with "Well, then I'm going to guess a mocha latte." Ding, ding.

Now, this under normal circumstances would be interesting alone... But the fact that we're thousands of miles away and have yet to touch each other. It's just... phenomenal.

We are certainly a team of 2.

I hope that answers your question thoroughly. Always happy to answer questions... I guess I'm a glutton for motivation (I AM, after all, a hell of a procrastinator... I think Morgan and I will be fighting for that title amongst each other for a long time to come).

Take care,

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

[Life, Love, Happiness] The Way the World Twists and Turns

It's been far, far too long since I posted something here, and I know of a certain someone who may be interested in hearing news from this ol' dog...

The last six months have been pretty crazy. After getting over the whole "losing the baby and losing my lover" thing last year, I branced out on a search for someone... something that would put me to ease. Anyone or anything that would appease my need.

After a dating a couple of girls, a "hanging out with a friend turned clingy girl" and a "love interest from the past turned crazy chick" I decided to forego endulging in my favorite pasttime and start to focus on myself... To develop personal growth within and to recenter myself... I had truly gotten too far away from who I was.

Well, enter Morgan... Now, Morgan at first glance looks like a fun, beautiful girl who has lots of brains and is gentle... In truth, she is all of those things. :D Anyways, as we began to speak some really strange things began to occur. We started talking about ourselves and our lives, our likes and our dislikes and a variety of other things that newly formed "couples" speak about. The strange thing is that the majority of what we experienced in life was similar (eerily so) and our opinions, likes and dislikes were also eerily similar... I would be thinking about something and she would ask me about it... I would ask her a question and she'd be looking at something that pertained to the question I was asking her. We would wake within minutes of each other... say the same things (specific words) at the same time with the same inflection... Soon the game became more of "finding what was different" than the normal couple's "finding common ground." All of the things that tend to shred a relationship are non-issue... Why? Because we agree on them. She would share a personal hope/dream that she always had and it would be so in line with mine that I'd tease her about having an implant in my brain.

Now, most of the time I would default all of these to coincidence... that is if it didn't happen so damned often (10-15 times a day at least). Neither of us likes to talk on the phone, but we'll spend hours talking on the phone to each other... Not realizing the time has passed until I happen to glance at the time (she never looks at the time... how sweet of her).

Anyways, this has been an amazing adventure over the last 5 weeks. So much so that we have spoken of writing a blog to document everything and tell our story as it unfolds...

Love those around you for who they are today, not who they were yesterday or who they could be tomorrow but for who they are right now... the moment you hold them in your arms... If the world could do this, there would be a hell of a lot less hate.

Take care and spread the love,