Wednesday, August 26, 2009

[Politics] Deficit Schmeficit!!

I've been rather quiet for quite some time lately going through the ins and outs of life and experiencing things that I had never planned for. Something that has bothered me for far too long and is now starting to "catch up" or "build up" to the point that something MUST be said...

Ok, so the United States national debt is sitting at a cool 7.4 TRILLION dollars right now... That's great. Our government gives absolutely no shit (excuse the language) about its people. I'm not the first person to say this and I won't be the last. We've screwed up. We've put people in place for the last 100 years that have caused so much damage to our country that we'll likely never see a reprieve from it.

To top it off, we've voted in a wolf in sheep's clothing into our White House (as we ALWAYS do) thinking that the crap that they say to get elected is EVER going to get done... Lo and behold, guess what? Estimation for the national debt over the next decade due to all of these fantastic changes in government? 9 Trillion dollars. Ok... So wait... The almighty messiah that was sent from "God" to save the United States from our wicked ways of spending and eliminating checks and balances is going to double the national debt within a decade? A HUNDRED YEARS OF DEBT DOUBLED IN A TENTH THE TIME? This is ridiculous, and this infuriates me. I didn't vote for the guy, do I get a pass on all of the damage he's doing? Hell no I don't.

Until we open our damned eyes and see that this two party "good ol' boy" system isn't going to work we're doomed to deal with these bullshit con-artists that we call politicians. Sure, they give the illusion that the government was created by us; however, the federal government is slowly and sneakily taking away our freedoms to defend ourselves against this building tyrant of government... Tenth amendment? I don't think so... They've already neutered that one because people let them build their own interpretation of it instead of reading it for what it said... Too many people think they can "interpret" the intentions of the Constitution and all they do is bungle it up... The Constitution was put in place to PROTECT US, and these idiots (the voters) are throwing away our own rights given to us to protect us from this.

At first, I thought "Well, whatever. Let's hope he's at least in the middle of where he says he's going to be and where others say he's going to be." Well, guess what... Same snake, different head.

The next thing we'll hear is that the President has suspended elections for an indeterminate amount of time (and yes... he can do this thanks to you idiots voting for the Great American Patriot Act).

Oh, and that health care that you all wanted? Uhh... Yeah... If it's so fantastic, why are their loopholes so that congressmen and the President himself are not required to use it instead of the 100,000 dollar visits to medical clinics and hospitals that house the greatest doctors in the country (which, by the way, the majority of you out there will NEVER be able to go to because they don't deal with us measly "Worker Bees")? It's SO awesome, the people putting it in place don't even want it. Does that not show you something?!

Stop being cowards and stop being sheep... Stop following a party line just because you think that you are Republican or Democrat... Start thinking for YOURSELF and not for what you think everyone else should have. Voting is not to choose what you think is best for everyone else... It's about choosing what you would like FOR YOURSELF. Taxes to help the poor here? AWESOME... Taxes for ANOTHER COUNTRY'S poor? Piss off.

I'm willing to pay taxes for the benefits I receive as a citizen, but now you're stepping on my toes, standing nose to nose while my back is against a fence and behind you is an empty lot and asking ME to give YOU room... No. I don't think so.

Sorry, I usually don't vent out like that; however, this is absolutely absurd and no one in my little world cares about any of this... Why does it matter when you're going to die and not have to deal with it anyways right?

Take care,

Monday, August 10, 2009

An Unfortunate Turn of Events

Well, we went for our 9 week appointment today and got some bad news. We lost the baby about about 1-2 weeks ago though it hadn't yet miscarried. We are both saddened by the loss of our potential child, but are happy to know that we can even have children at this point. Once the coast is clear, we'll try again. It is not without a heavy heart that I post this, as have a child is one of the few things in life that I've wanted from a very young age. I have no doubt that we'll be ok, but the sadness is still fresh which weighs heavily upon me.

Julie was pretty wrecked about the loss, as was I, but we're looking forward and taking it for what it is. All things happen for a reason, and obviously there was something wrong with the way the embryo was growing that caused this.

As soon as I have more positive information I'll be happy to post it, though I feel it will likely be after we're out of the "danger zone" once we're pregnant again. I'd hate to have to yell out that I'm going to have a child again (even though that's what I want to!) and end up losing another. 1/5 is only 20% chance... So that means next time we'll have an 80% chance of success, just like any other time. We will maintain a positive outlook on this and hope for the best. Thank you for sharing something that has been so special to me.

Take care,

Sunday, August 9, 2009

And So Month 3 Begins...

Julie and I have been pregnant for two months now and I'm still as excited as the day we found out together. Along with the joy has come some difficulties, but hardly anything to write about I suppose. We're spending more time together which is a great thing, for sure, and my love for her is greater each time we are even near each other.

Tomorrow is our 9 week appointment and we'll get to see our growing baby for the second time. Of course our families are filled with joy and are actively helping us prepare for the newborn. We haven't even made it out of the first trimester and we've already accumulated (or will soon) two car seats (one for each of us... THAT will be a help), a stroller and a high chair. Julie has been researching cribs and bassinets, which has brought her a lot of happiness.

One of the hardest things at this time is the projects I have been doing outside of work which has taken quality time from our relationship. I have made the decision to not let this get in the way of our love for one another and the experience of pregnancy as a father and lover.

I'm truly blessed that I've found someone who is as excited about life in general as I am (and maybe even more so, which helps me when my mood is down). Perhaps one day she'll happen upon this blog and see that none of my thoughts have gone unnoticed and that my heart has not gone untouched by the things that I am sharing with her.

I suppose that's all I have to write at the moment. I'm sure I'll have more to post later. I've already registered a domain name for a site to chronologize the growth, birth and life of our baby. Some work on the design of the site has been done; however, I look forward to including Julie in her ideas on what she'd like to see as far as content and looks for the final result. Anyways, time for bed...

Take care,