Wednesday, December 10, 2008

[Science] You are not the center of the galaxy... A black hole is.

So, I was going to leave up the Grandmaster Flash post up for a while to get a little more out there (shit, not like he NEEDS it, but it's my little part of the whole!), but something more important... Bigger than GMF... Bigger than me... Bigger than you.

When a coworker showed me a CNN news article telling me this, I was in awe. Scientists in Bulgaria have found what they think is a massive black hole in the center of our galaxy. I know. How crazy is that?

This has more than scientific consequences as I'm sure you can imagine. If we can find out how quickly the galaxy may be deteriorating through the will of the black hole, we may be able to tell how long the galaxy has existed (these are my own ramblings of course, I'm no scientist!). Imagine... The galaxy created by an explosion which is in its reverse cycle of destruction (each action has an equal and opposite reaction) of that which it created...

This could be a major landmark in the decline of organized religion. I know that sounds weird as many people try to believe in the fact that science cannot answer how the universe/galaxy/planet/us were created; however, if we know that there is an entity that is reversing the creation process we can more closely identify how matter is created in the first place. And once the entry of the matter into the black hole has been completed WHERE does that matter go? We have long believed that energy never ceases to exist, but the only way this would be true would be for the energy to go somewhere else when it enters into the black hole.

So... After we validate that the black hole exists, we can figure out how they function (as we will be able to actually WATCH what's happening). Of course, it's hundreds of thousands of light years away, but yeah... We'll see. :)

Some links
CNN - Black hole found... - Surprising second black hole found...
MSN - Black hole at center of galaxy downsized

Now, please mind the dates of the second and third articles. They are solely for information to help understand the new article (the first one).

Let's hope they find all of these amazing new things because of potential confirmation!

Take care.

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