Monday, April 27, 2009

[Life] Wow... It's been five weeks?

All I have to do is say WOW. It's been five weeks since my last post on either of my two blogs and I have to say that I'm both ashamed and pleased that I could keep away! :P (It's actually been close to 7 or 8 for this one).

Anyways, life has been really good lately and I have approached my girl about participating in my "Meeting of the Minds" podcast idea for here on the blog. Perhaps I'll even create an actual website! Who knows. My time is so taken up with most things that I just go crazy and say "Ok, this time is MINE. I'm doing NOTHING."

On a side note, my girl and I are doing VERY well. She is such a blessing to have in my life and she always thinks of me. I've always thought it was a lame "line" to say that someone makes you want to improve yourself... To "be a better person" so to speak, but I have to say that I now understand this. She makes me want to be more than what I already am and she encourages it (Yes, Dinamo, it's the same gal... Looks like we were both right :P).

Since I don't like to use others words to explain my own thoughts, I'll leave you with my own words of wisdom (if you can call them that...):

Do not live life for those around you. Live life for yourself and that in turn should make those around you happy. If living your life for yourself does not make them happy, then they are not your friends. This doesn't mean that you should be selfish... This means that you should realize that YOU are the one who dies at the end of your life and as such YOU should live YOUR own life, love those around you as THEY live THEIR own lives, and you will be rewarded with the greatest thing you can achieve: happiness.

Take care,